Soil Cement Interlocking Blocks

Soil Cement Interlocking Blocks



Brick masonry is well proven building material possessing excellent properties

in various terms, for example appearance, durability, cost etc.  However, the quality of masonry in a building depends on the materials used and hence all brickwork materials must confirm to certain minimum standards.  The basic components of brickwork are brick and mortar. The latter being in itself a composite of cement, lime and sand and sometime of other constituents.


All these bricks either produced by machines or manually using skilled or unskilled labor require mortar joints and some degree of skill for placement when building walls.  It also consume labor's time.  Furthermore, since bricks are mostly solid, the wall becomes rather massive and oversized for single storey load bearing construction while being insufficiently stable for multi-storey construction.  In addition, conventional mortar joints allow only light reinforcement to be used, making the wall an unstable structural component for use in earthquake zones.


Interlocking Brick is inexpensive and can be used without cement or mortar, easy to handle, mould and manufacture. Even unskilled or semiskilled labor can easily and quickly construct a wall. 




The interlocking blocks are different from other normal bricks.  They are rectangular in shape as regular bricks, but they do not require mortar for the masonry work.  They are interlocked with each other by means of positive and negative frogs on the top and bottom of the bricks which do not allow horizontal movement between them.  They can be used for all kinds of structures like load bearing walls, lintels, sills, walls corners etc.


Raw Materials:

The interlocking bricks can be produced with stone dust or laterite soil and cement.

  1. Cement

  2. Stone-dust

  3. Laterite Soil

  4. Sand

  5. Water

  6. Mortar and Grout Materials

Production Process:

The general steps are as follows:

  1. Sieving of soil (necessary only for soil cement bricks)

  2. Preparation of mixes

  3. Filling mould box with exact amount of mix

  4. Compression of the mix

  5. Removal of brick from brick press and placing it on pallet

  6. Air curing/storage

  7. Testing


Construction costs are 30-50% less than conventional systems







No material wasted

No cutting or adjusting

Fits in place

Quickly erected

Labor saving

Less supervision necessary

Material saving

Shortens construction time

   Cost saving


Controlled production

Precise dimensions

Labor saving

  Cost saving

Light industry

Rapid and exact products

Controlled production

Controlled quality

Creates local jobs

Generates income

Reduces Investment

  Cost saving

Production on/near site

Configured to demand

Production unit mobility

Eliminates transport costs

  Cost saving

Use of local materials

Easily available

Cost reduction

Reduces transportation costs

Eliminates imports

 Cost saving

Cement based

Strong & durable materials

Resist fire, wind, flood, earthquake

High value houses

Optimize strength

Optimal use of materials

Reduce materials quantity

Cost reduction

Cost saving

Interlocking (no mortar)


Reduces reinforcement

Simplify construction

Minimum training Max. use of unskilled labor

Reduces wages

Permits self-help

Cost saving

Light weight components

Easy to put in place

No equipment needed

Less capital investment

Cost saving

Alternative to wood

Minimize wood used in the construction process and the building itself

Cost reduction

Reduced deforestation

Cost saving Better environment


No pollution

No effect

Environment friendly




1. Half Size Brick                                 2. Regular Shaped Brick





3. U- Shaped Brick






Use for                                                 :           Load bearing structures, sills, lintels etc.

Shape                                                   :           Rectangular

Standard Size                                   :           30 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm

Weight                                                :           7 kg (concrete brick)

                                                               :           6 kg (laterite soil brick)

Dry Compressive Strength          :           70 – 100 kg / cm2     

Production Capacity                    :          200 - 400 blocks per day per machine (Manual Press)


